What is The Purpose of Christianity in 2021?
Why is religion fading? Now, I can tell you that I am far from a religious person. I have been an atheist for as long as I can remember, even during the church services I was forced to go to. So my personal answer to that question is pretty biased and would probably be considered rude and unnecessary, so I’ll keep it to myself.. for now.
But what about the general public? Why does it seem like more and more people are deciding that they don’t need faith? How come this is happening when Christianity, for example, is so deeply ingrained into our culture, our society? I mean, if you don’t look into it, you wouldn’t think anything of it at all. You wouldn’t even notice that more and more people are straying away from their Gods.
According to Pew Research center, Christianity in the states has been decreasing at a Rapid pace and the religiously unaffiliated have INCREASED since 2009. According to Pew, 65% of American adults claim to be practicing Christianity, a figure that is down 12% this past decade. Meanwhile the atheist, agnostics, and the “nothing in particular” have risen from 17% to 26% in the past decade.
If you’re not one for numbers, just take a look at our society today. Things that wouldn’t have been acceptable even just 20 years ago are displayed prominently. Degeneracy is spreading and spreading fast. And…